[Live Training Series] RUN YOUR AGENCY LIKE A PRO

E97: Turn Your Expertise into Intellectual Property with Max Traylor

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Max Traylor is an IP product strategist for consultants in the sales and marketing space.

In this episode, we discuss the commoditization of professional services and the growing opportunity for consultants to increase personal income by packaging and selling their knowledge as strategy.

Fun fact—Max is #8th ranked pro paintball player in the world!


Episode highlights:

  • What Max does to help marketing and sales consultants “productize” their intellectual property and sell it effectively and strategically.
  • Steps into packaging your knowledge and actionable strategy. How to focus in a commoditized saturated market and win by segmentation.
  • What attracted Max to this business interest with helping people package their IP.
  • A time Max started to feel the experience of great success as he slept!
  • Max’s thoughts on the current market of people selling their courses and productizing their IP.
  • Tips for focusing on what most valuable contribution you have to offer the marketplace and how to use a Venn Diagram to start.
  • Best advice he’s ever received: Be Yourself.
  • Habit that contributes to success: Thinking.
  • Recommended book: Industry Transformers by Dan Sullivan and The Business of Expertise by David C. Baker
  • Recommended tool: Beerswithmax.com





  • “Everybody provides a service, but the real value of that service is the how to, it’s not the do.”
  • “Every service has a how to, how has knowledge behind it and that’s what’s unique.”
  • “It’s like chutes and ladders. You can go down really fast and you’ll never get back up to the top.”
  • “If you sell strategy, continue to be the strategist, and understand your role that is separate from implementation, but critical to it, right?”
  • “I have a digital, scalable, residual business model. And I’d look at him like any five year old and he goes, well, you know, that means I do something once and I get paid forever.”
  • “The reality is there’s a market force that none of us can escape and that’s creative destruction.”



Your knowledge and intellectual property is packable and valuable. Focus (industry, niche, service line) is directly related to the value of your IP.



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