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How to Package Your Exhaust to Create Great Lead Generating Content

You don’t need to spend days creating the perfect piece of content. Your existing content and documents might just provide everything that you need.

What’s the hardest part of creating authority content?

Maybe it’s creating something original and valuable. Perhaps you don’t feel like you’re an authority.

You might not know what’s useful.

Or you might just find yourself getting distracted all of the time.

The toughest thing for me is the time I spend on creating that content. I want something that converts and I don’t want to spend days of my life building it.

That’s where this article comes in. I’m going to show you how to package your exhaust to create conversion content.

What Is Conversion Content?

A piece of conversion content is something that’s going to drive leads to your website.

Take my example:

I offer people a free web proposal template for website projects valued at $22,850.

That’s super specific and it works. This piece of content has gotten me somewhere in the ballpark of 20,000 leads for my company.

Let that sit in for a moment.

Now here’s the awesome thing.

I’d had the actual template sitting on my shelf for a long time before I turned it into conversion content.

It took me about 5 or 10 minutes to scrub out the client information and pop it into a Google doc.

Including getting it on my website, I probably spent no more than an hour on it.

That’s conversion content.

It’s content that comes from stuff you already have that will attract leads to your business.

That website proposal template is something that I’ve used before. But it was just lying on the shelf and not helping me to get leads.

It was some of the exhaust that my business has generated over the years. By packaging that exhaust, I had a new lead source.

What is Packaging Your Exhaust?

Your best content will likely come from something that you’ve already made.

Just look at my example above. I had that template sitting around for years. I got it online and five years later I’m 20,000 leads deep.

You’ve got tons of documents like that lying around. Make a list of them and you’ve instantly got stuff you can repackage.

I like to draw a comparison to sausage here.

Sausage is just the leftover meat. It’s the exhaust from the animal. But it’s absolutely delicious and people want it.

The same goes for your exhaust. It’s useful stuff that people want to get their hands on.

Use it to your advantage. Package that exhaust and provide it to the people who want it.

Give Your Best Stuff Away for Free

Now, your first instinct might be to charge money for this awesome stuff that you’ve found.

But hold on just a second. Remember that you’re looking to attract opt-ins. You want people to send you their details so that you can get them to buy your service now or someday in the future.

Your packaged exhaust will help you make this happen. You just need to give it away for free.

When I say “free”, what I really mean is that you get people to send their details over to you to get their hands on it. Your prospect will give you their email in exchange for some high-value goodies.

From there, you can invite the client into a discovery call and actually start earning money from them.

That’s what UGURUS client Nate does.

Nate is a marketing automation specialist who offers web design and support for IT professionals.

He says that he was pretty much a hobbyist before he joined UGURUS. He made a bit of money from his work. But he wasn’t really focusing on pulling in more leads.

Then, he started using some of our strategies, including packaging his exhaust. Nate has created lead magnets from process documents and other client artifacts from service clients.

These lead magnets have helped him build an email list that he can promote his new content and start converting those emails into new sales appointments. Nate applied UGURUS sales methodologies to his new and existing lead and client flow.

Using these techniques, he was able to double and even triple his average project size almost immediately.

And over time, he’s used the techniques he’s learned to get even more leads and 10x his average project size.

Play the long game when you package your exhaust. The key is that you identify some of the best stuff that you already have lying around.

Repackage it and make it easily available. From there, you’ll pull in leads that you can apply the UGURUS sales techniques to as Nate did.

Now, you need to know which documents you should repackage. Here are the three steps that I recommend you take.

Step #1 – Go Through Your Inventory

The stuff you’ve already produced is extremely valuable.

If you’ve ever sent a website template to a client, that’s something you might be able to use. Any frameworks that you’ve discussed during discovery calls are useful too.

This is all part of the inventory that your business has built over the years.

The key is that you have confidence in the quality of the work you’ve done. A lot of people see little value in their inventory because they have little confidence in themselves.

Such was the case for UGURUS client Melissa Connolly

Melissa came to UGURUS with some serious confidence issues. Even though she’s already built a business that attracted $4k to $8k projects, she still felt shaky about her own work.

That lack of confidence also meant that she didn’t see the value in her own inventory.

She also struggled to attract leads. Melissa describes it as a “feast or famine” situation. Things would go really well for a couple of months. Then, they’d die off and she didn’t know how to use her materials to bump the lead flow back up.

With UGURUS, she learned how to apply value to what she’s offering to clients. And that’s not just value in terms of the commodity. She also learned how valuable what she does is in terms of meeting client needs.

Now, she has confidence in her work and the materials that she creates.

Understand and have confidence in the fact that your inventory offers value to potential clients. You have things that they need.

Once you figure that out, you can identify the value in your inventory.

Step #2 – Choose the Three Best Pieces

Now you’ve got the confidence, you can see just how useful your templates and frameworks are.

The temptation is to throw it all out there. Build a ton of lead magnets around your different pieces.

That may help you to get a lot of leads. But you might end up scaling beyond what you can control. Plus, you may find yourself dealing with a lot of junk leads that aren’t good fits for your business.

Filter through all of the documents that you’ve found in your inventory. Create a list that details what each template or framework is and what it offers to potential clients.

From there, pick out the three best pieces

Maybe you have a website proposal that’s gotten you plenty of business. Perhaps you have a framework for building websites that keeps your clients satisfied. And maybe you have one video or webinar that has gotten a great response.

Those are three valuable pieces of content that you can repackage to create conversion content.

Separate them from the pack, fiddle with them until they’re good to go, and get them online. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of hours to get everything set up.

Step #3 – Package the Content Properly

With your pieces chosen, it’s time to package them so that people want to download them.

This is where I’ve used the Hook, Build, Payoff framework (a method I picked up from Steven Pressfield in his books like Do the Work and Turning Pro).

Here’s a brief example that’s going to help you create a lead magnet.

First, you write down a resource. This isn’t a creative exercise. You’re literally copying from a document, tool, or existing piece of content that you found when going through your inventory.

Copy and tweak to create a headline. Something like “The Amazing Website Template for Service Businesses” works.

Now we go to the Hook.

This is where you decide how the content will help them. For example, “You deserve a hassle-free amazing website” is a great hook. It gets the reader saying “Yes, I do. How do I get it?”

That’s where you start the Build.

You’re going to tell the client what they get if they opt-in. With this example, they’re going to get my awesome template. They’re going to benefit from your years of experience. And they’ll get a framework for building an awesome website.

Finally, there’s the Payoff

This is a simple one. It’s the step they need to take to get what you’re offering. Entering an email address into an opt-in form is a good example.

Follow that framework and you make your exhaust look like something that everyone wants to download.

The Final Word

The key here is that you don’t have to start fresh when building conversion content.

There’s plenty of stuff that you have lying around that offers value to potential clients. Package your exhaust and get it online. Use it to get the details of potential leads who could use your services.

You may not get it right the first time. You might have to experiment with different pieces of content to find what your audience really wants.

But you will save a ton of time on creating conversion content.

This is just a small sample of what I can show you. We can dive a lot deeper if you want.

All you have to do is apply for a FREE strategy session with UGURUS today.



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